Discover Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael
School Opened with Five Students Enrolled
Purchased A Permanent Building
AP Courses Were Introduced
Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlit"a Visited The School
First graduating class
Building Expansion Dedication
Gateways Learning Support Introduced at YOY
Night Seder Program Expanded
YOY National Honors Society Chapter Founded
"Torah Anytime" Learning Program Established
National "Ve’Harev Na" Program Introduced
Welcome to Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael!
Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael was founded in 2014 through the foresight of dreamers. The dream? A yeshiva that would give boys superior skills in both Limudei Kodesh (Judaic studies) and General studies. A place where they would imbibe a passion for our living Jewish heritage, the world, themselves, and most importantly, their relationship with Hashem (G-d). A yeshiva where they would connect with their rebbeim (Judaics teachers) and look to them as guides and role models. An environment that would stress Derech Eretz and Middos (good character) as the core of all learning.
Today, that dream, that mission, is a reality.
What’s in a name? Ohr Yisrael, a light for the Jewish nation. Models of Torah and Jewish values. Rav Yisrael Salanter, the founder of the Mussar movement. A movement focused on the refinement of character traits. These are the two primary visions for our yeshiva.
Every student at Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael has a unique combination of strengths and talents. Our goal is to guide each boy to reach HIS personal best and to equip him with the tools he needs to succeed as a Jewish man in today’s world.
I invite you to join on this journey and thank you for giving YOY the opportunity to partner in the chinuch (education) of your son.
– Rabbi Uri Feldman
To develop boys into young men who are committed to a life led by Torah values. To provide students with excellence in Limudei Kodesh and in secular studies so they will have the requisite skills to be admitted to yeshivas and/or colleges of their choice. Students will learn in an environment that will inspire them to be passionate and sincere about learning and about Yiddishkeit. Derech Eretz and middos are at the core of all learning.
Leadership, Faculty & Staff
Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael