Simchas Beis HaShoeiva
On Chol HaMoed Sukkos, students, alumni, and Rabbeim came together for a lively Simchas Beis HaShoeiva. The evening featured music by alumni Yosef Sack on the clarinet and Noam Shapiro on the guitar, along with a delicious meal. Highlights included meaningful D’vrei Torah by Rabbi Feldman, Yosef Sack, and current 12th grader Yoni Faintuch, inspiring all who attended. Special thanks to Rabbi Halpern and Khal Tiferes Yosef for graciously hosting the event in the shul’s Sukkah and to Mr. Kashnow for his invaluable assistance in coordinating this memorable event.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Ledewitz family for their sponsorship of the Simchas Beis HaShoeiva in memory of Mrs. Ledewitz’s parents, whose legacy continues to uplift our Yeshiva.

From the Front Lines
Students were honored to hear from local hero and YOY parent, Colonel Nissim Hazan. The Hazan family temporarily relocated to Brookline, MA from Israel, where Col. Hazan serves in the IDF and jumped onto the front lines on October 7th, 2023.
He shared a riveting firsthand account of that day, describing how he immediately responded upon learning of the attacks on his way to shul. Students listened intently as he recounted using a damaged tank to intercept terrorist vehicles and witnessing the devastation at Kibbutz Be’eri.
We are profoundly grateful to Col. Hazan and his family for their courage and sacrifice, and we continue to daven for the safety and success of Col. Hazan and all the soldiers of the IDF.

Standardized Testing
Juniors and seniors at Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael recently completed the SAT, PSAT, and ACT exams. Their commitment to achieving strong results is inspiring, and their efforts mark an important step forward as they prepare for the college application process.

Raising Funds, Raising Sukkas
The 12th-grade class joined forces to assemble 18 sukkahs as a creative fundraiser for their senior trip. The service was so popular that they had to turn away several last-minute requests, though they still made every effort to assist community members in urgent need. This initiative was a tremendous service to the community, showcasing the students’ hard work, entrepreneurial spirit, and teamwork.

Sukkos Bake Sale
Thank you to all the friends who made purchases during our annual PTA bake sale! A very special thank you to alumni mothers Mrs. Sharon Shapiro and Mrs. Carol Ledewitz for spearheading the fundraiser. Their efforts not only raised essential funds for the PTA but also enabled numerous local families to enhance their simchas Yom Tov.

Rabbi Halpern gathers with YOY alumni on a recent trip to Israel coinciding with the 10th yahrtzeit of his father zt”l